Educational activities are planned to accompany the discovery of contemporary arts, aimed at audiences different in age and expectations, conducted by art historians and specialized in museum and local education.

The Museum  provides, from the youngest to the elderly, from the curious to the experts in the sector, the tools for an active and participatory reading of contemporary themes to make the museum a familiar and dynamic space, a place not only for learning but also for meeting.

Furthermore, according to a recent ISTAT surveys it shows a low turnout in museums by young people and a progressive increase by foreign tourists and curious adults, actions, through the activation of creative laboratories and workshops, in order to establish an open and constructive dialogue with the work of art, making the varieties of artistic languages ​​understood and experienced, and stimulating the comparison on different themes, open to cultural diversity.

By carrying out the activity, access is guaranteed to people with disabilities, or who lives in situations of socio-cultural disadvantage.

Museum educational workshops

Painting Workshop – Plastic Workshop – Ceramics Workshop – Weaving and Fashion Workshop – Modeling Workshop (from traditional 3D model to digital restitution and 3D printing) – Graphic Workshop – Wooden and pictorial restoration workshops.